In the stillness of the night, where shadows softly play
Lies a heart that yearns, a soul adrift and astray
Longing whispers through the silence, a gentle, mournful breeze
For the days once filled with laughter, now just memories that tease
Memories dance like fireflies, flickering in the dark
Each one a tender reminder, a softly glowing spark
Yet, with every fleeting moment, a deeper yearning grows
For the warmth of a familiar touch, the comfort it bestows
Oh, the heartache of missing, a bittersweet refrain
A melody of love and loss, a symphony of pain
Yet, within this aching void, a quiet strength resides
A testament to love's embrace, where true devotion hides
Let the tears fall gently, like rain upon the earth
For in their tender cleansing, lies the promise of rebirth
Though the heart may ache with longing, and the soul may feel alone
Know that love's enduring presence is a light that always shone
In the tapestry of life, where threads of joy and sorrow weave
The beauty of our longing is the love we dare believe
For every tear that falls, a seed of hope is sown
And in the garden of our hearts, new blossoms will be grown
So, embrace the gentle ache, let it guide you through the night
For in the depths of longing, lies the path to love's true light
And though the heart may yearn, and the soul may softly weep
Know that love's eternal promise is a treasure we shall keep

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