In the realm where thoughts take flight
Words weave magic, day and night
Each syllable a thread, each phrase a spell
Crafting worlds where dreams dwell
With whispers soft or voices bold
The stories of our lives unfold
In every word, a seed is sown
From thoughts to reality, they’ve grown
Speak with care, for words hold might
They shape the day, they guide the night
In the garden of the mind, they bloom
Creating light or casting gloom
A gentle word can heal and mend
A harsh one, break and rend
Choose wisely what you wish to say
For words can build or they can fray
Beliefs are born from what we speak
They strengthen hearts or make them weak
In every utterance, a world is spun
A tapestry of what’s begun
The power lies within our grasp
To mold the future, to hold, to clasp
With every word, a path we pave
To free the soul or make it slave
In silence, too, there’s magic found
In quiet thoughts that swirl around
For even in the hush, there’s power
To shape the world, to build, to tower
So, let your words be used with grace
To lift the heart, to light the space
For in the end, it’s clear to see
Our words create our destiny

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