In shadows where whispers weave their tales

Lies and deceit, like a ship with torn sails

They cling to illusions, a mask they wear

Hiding truths they dare not share


Yet in the heart's core, a light does gleam

Piercing through the fog, unraveling the scheme

No longer blind to the charade's guise

Seeing through the veil with discerning eyes


Why dance in circles, bound by deceit?

When truth's melody is so sweet

The chains of falsehood, heavy and tight

Can be shattered by the dawn's first light


Accountability, a mirror held high

Reflecting choices, no place to hide

For in the end, the truth will stand

A beacon of justice across the land


Let not the lies cloud your sight

Stand firm, hold fast to what's right

For in the clarity of truth's embrace

Lies the power to transform this place


Cut through the veil, let the truth be known

In the garden of honesty, let seeds be sown

For only in truth can we truly be free

To live a life of integrity

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Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-Speak Your Truth

-Awareness Awakened

-The Courage to Choose

-Stand Tall

-Let Truth Shine

-Unyielding Spirit

-Embrace Your Own Light

-The Compass Within

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