Many believe in a divine, almighty source

Praising its benevolent, creative splendor

Heck, I believe it, too, of course

Although there are some that are a pretender


The question is: can we recognize this presence when encountered?

Do we truly know when it reveals itself to us?

I’m not sure we all do, which some would call absurd

We talk the talk, but there’s something we must discuss


Constant signs and opportunities are constantly sent our way

Which then often ends up ignored

Nonsensical and a coincidence is often what they say

So, we sit in wait, leaving much to be explored


Divine, God, Source Creator actually acts through people

Sure, ask for guidance and salvation, but don’t disregard help given

Yes, many claim to be a proud, devout disciple

But then fall short when it comes time for accepting and decision


This Divine Creator acts in many mysterious ways

Its help isn’t necessarily straight forward

But it’s there for you always

Be mindful of coincidences and rest self-assured

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