Yearning for change, yet lost in the haze

A heart that whispers, a mind that delays

Dreams of soaring, yet feet on the ground

Seeking the answers that never are found


A canvas of life, blank and wide

But where to begin, where to confide

The colors of hope, the brush of desire

Yet the strokes of doubt, they never tire


The stars above, they seem to guide

Yet the path below, it hides and divides

A journey of growth, a quest for more

But the map is hidden, behind a locked door


The whispers of courage, they softly speak

Yet the echoes of fear, they loudly creak

A dance of shadows, a play of light

The will to change, yet the fear of flight


The river of time, it flows so fast

Yet the moments of clarity, they rarely last

A heart that beats with the rhythm of dreams

Yet the melody of life, it often seems


To wander in circles, to drift away

From the shores of hope, to the seas of gray

Yet within the storm, a beacon shines

A call to rise, to cross the lines


To embrace the unknown, to dare to try

To find the wings, to learn to fly

For within the heart, the answers lie

The courage to change, the will to defy


So take the step, though the path is unseen

For the journey of growth, it lies in between

The dreams of the heart, the whispers of the soul

The quest for change, to become whole

Want even more content about creativity and art?

Be sure to check out all of our creative chronicles!

Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-Let Them Fall

-Butterfly Transformation

-Seeing and Believing

-Listen to Your Heart

-Let Go and Trust

-A New Dawn for You

-The Courageous Call

-Let Truth Shine

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