What Do You Do With a Problem? A Tale of Resilience and Determination

Everyone faces problems from time to time – dilemmas, frustrations, continuing issues that can seem overwhelming and insurmountable.

But what do you do when you come across a problem?

Do you give up or turn away in defeat?

Or do you delve into the challenge with determination, resilience and the confidence in yourself to tackle it head-on?

What if our problems were just opportunities in disguise?

That's the message of this powerful children's book.

In the vast sea of children's literature, certain books stand out as extraordinary vessels, navigating young readers through the turbulent waters of life's challenges.

In their internationally acclaimed book What Do You Do With a Problem?, Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom tell the story of one person's journey overcoming obstacles through creativity and inspiration - all while never giving up on themselves.

This enchanting tale provides not just an entertaining read, but also a profound lesson on problem-solving and courage.

This book is not just for kids, but for all of us, as its impact has been felt far beyond the world of children's literature, influencing art and creativity in countless ways.

This isn't just a book; it's a creative revolution wrapped in paper and ink!

Are you ready for a literary roller coaster ride that's sure to leave you inspired?

Let's dive into this tale and discover how its lessons can help us become more resilient and determined in our lives.

Buckle up, because today we're diving headfirst into the imaginative world of What Do You Do With a Problem?

Read on to learn more about what can be achieved when we choose courage over fear!

The Tale Unfolds

The story revolves around a young boy who suddenly finds himself followed by an unsettling problem.

Initially, he tries to ignore it, hoping it would disappear on its own.

However, trying to hide from his problem only makes things worse; the problem persists, growing larger and scarier, causing the boy to worry and avoid it even more.

As the child struggles, the problem grows bigger and bigger until, eventually, the boy is forced to face up to it.

But instead of seeing this as a bad thing, the boy begins to recognize the potential within his problem.

He starts to think about all the things he can do with his problem and ultimately uses it to help him succeed.

When the child finally musters up the courage to face his problem head-on and make use of its potential, he discovers that the problem was actually his opportunity in disguise!

At the end of the story, the boy has developed an appreciation for his problem and realizes that it was never something to be feared in the first place.

This delightful narrative echoes the universal human experience of facing problems.

The storyline is simple yet powerful, capturing the essence of how we often react when confronted with issues - avoidance and fear.

But as the boy learns, running away from a persistent problem only makes it bigger.

At its core, What Do You Do With a Problem? is a story about overcoming obstacles.

Its message of embracing fear and using it to our advantage has resonated with artists of all skill levels.

From painters to writers, this book has inspired a new way of approaching the creative process.

By re-framing problems as opportunities, artists are empowered to take risks, try new things, and push boundaries.

Literary Elements and Artwork

Let's get acquainted with our dynamic duo; the same author and illustrator pair that created What Do You Do With an Idea? and What Do You Do With a Chance?

Kobi Yamada, the word maestro, is known for weaving magic with his stories, while Mae Besom masterfully brings the narrative to life with her illustrations.

Their brainchild, What Do You Do With a Problem?, is more than just a children's book—it's a philosophy, a mindset, an art form.

Yamada's writing style is engaging and accessible, using figurative language that sparks the imagination.

Living with two super fun kids, Yamada is no stranger to the power of stories, and his innate creativity and enthusiasm for storytelling shines through in this book.

The "problem" is personified as a dark cloud that hangs over the boy's head, a clever metaphor that visually represents the boy's emotional state.

The illustrations by full-time children's illustrator, Mae Besom, breathe life into Yamada's words, adding depth to the narrative through another layer of emotion and meaning.

Graduating from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Besom has created artwork that conveys complex emotions like fear and anxiety.

The dark, looming cloud is depicted in varying sizes, reflecting the boy's emotions and perceptions.

The soft gray illustrations reflect the boy's downtrodden mood at the beginning of his journey, while bright pops of color depict the transformation that takes place when he embraces his problem and discovers its potential.

As the child decides and learns to face his problem, the illustrations shift, becoming brighter and more colorful, effectively mirroring his newfound courage.

The combination of Yamada's words and Besom's visuals makes this book as much a work of art as it is literature, belonging alongside others like Molly Bang's Sophie books.

In the world of children's literature, What Do You Do With a Problem? has stood out as a unique and impactful work.

Earning a variety of rewards, including the Mom's Choice Awards, it has helped usher in a new era of children's books that tackle complex and emotional subjects.

Its message of resilience and empowerment has caused it to be cited as a must-read for children, parents, and educators alike.

It's shattering old narratives and paving the way for stories that empower kids to be problem solvers and change makers.

What Do You Do With a Problem? is the perfect example of how to turn fear into courage, sadness into joy, and adversity into success.

It's a touching story that can be appreciated by readers of all ages, so take away its message and don't shy away from life's commonplace challenges.

Instead, embrace them with resilience and fortitude, turning big problems into big success!

Themes and Real-life Applications

Now, let's talk impact.

This book has rocked the creative world like a tidal wave, inspiring people to push boundaries and take risks with their art.

It's helped younger readers develop problem-solving skills, while also emphasizing the importance of perseverance and courage in the face of adversity.

Its central theme—viewing problems not as obstacles but as opportunities—has sparked a radical shift in how artists, writers, and creators approach their craft.

It's like discovering a hidden shortcut in a maze you've been navigating for years!

One of the most significant impacts of the book on the arts and crafts world is its message of persistence and resilience.

In a world where we're often told to give up when faced with difficulty, What Do You Do With a Problem? encourages us to lean in and persevere.

This message has influenced artists of all mediums, whether that be through song lyrics, paintings, or written works.

At the heart of this story lies the theme of resilience and determination, teaching children (and even adults) that problems are not insurmountable monsters but rather opportunities for growth.

By facing our fears, we can discover that problems often carry their solutions within them.

This message resonates deeply in today's world where children are faced with various challenges.

What Do You Do With a Problem? serves as a gentle reminder that it's okay to confront our problems and seek solutions rather than avoiding them.

This book, inspiring children to be fearless problem-solvers, teaches us that our problems can actually help us grow, if we let them.

Readers are encouraged to look at their problems as opportunities instead of obstacles, to embrace challenges with courage, and to never give up on ourselves.

A major theme of this book is that it takes time and patience to overcome challenges; there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

This is a great lesson to take away and apply to our own lives, whether we're trying to tackle a big problem or just want to make small changes.

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to look for the quickest and easiest solutions but often these are not the most effective ones.

As just one of many inspiring gift books, this picture book is a reminder that our problems can become assets if we take the time to look at them in a new light.

So, the next time you face a problem, remember: no matter how big it may seem, you have the power to turn it into something amazing!

No problem is too big to tackle; you just have to find the courage, resilience and patience within yourself to take it on!

And you never know; you might even discover something new and wonderful about yourself in the process!

Learning to be Problem-Solvers

But it's not just established artists who have been impacted by the book.

In classrooms across the globe, Yamada's book is being used as a creative catalyst, inspiring students to embrace a growth mindset.

Teachers are leveraging its powerful message to help students see challenges as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks.

Educators have also found it to be a valuable tool in teaching children about problem-solving and creativity.

Its use in classrooms around the world has helped students develop essential life skills, such as critical thinking, communication, and collaboration.

The book's message serves as a reminder that we're all capable of finding creative solutions to our problems, no matter how big or small they may be.

What Do You Do With a Problem? is more than just an ordinary book; it's a reminder that with the right tools and mindset, anything is possible.

It's not only entertaining but also educational, helping readers of all ages learn to embrace their problems and use them as a platform for success.

The book's impact on the creative world is clear, and its message of resilience and determination will continue to resonate with readers for years to come.

Therapy sessions have also been transformed.

Therapists are incorporating the book's teachings to inspire clients to view their issues from a fresh, empowering perspective, helping children cope with difficult emotions and develop problem-solving skills.

It's like flipping the switch from a dim, problem-focused light to a bright, solution-oriented one.

If you're ever feeling overwhelmed by a problem, take it from the young protagonist of this book and don't give up!

Face your fears and tackle the challenge head-on.

Believe in yourself and remember that every problem contains its own solution; it just needs someone courageous enough to find it.

Bringing unexpected gifts, What Do You Do With a Problem? is the perfect reminder that it's never too late to start fresh, take risks, and take control of your life.

So, don't be afraid of your problems; instead, take inspiration from this beloved story and turn it into a powerful asset!

Learning to Appreciate Problems

What Do You Do With a Problem? is a remarkable piece of children's literature that seamlessly blends captivating storytelling with beautiful illustrations and a meaningful message.

It's not just a book, but a tool to help children navigate their problems with courage and resilience.

In the grand tapestry of children's literature, this book shines bright, reflecting the power of facing any problem head-on.

It's a must-read for children and adults alike, serving as a timeless reminder that every problem, no matter how big, comes with an opportunity for growth.

What Do You Do With a Problem? teaches us that our problems can be our greatest assets.

It shows us how to look at life’s difficulties and use them as a catalyst for creative exploration.

It's a reminder of the power of creativity and the resilience of the human spirit and serves as a reminder that problems are not barriers but opportunities in disguise.

Its message has resonated with creators, educators, parents, and children; the story also encourages readers of all ages to develop resilience in the face of life's challenges.

Ultimately, it teaches us to never give up and to look for creative solutions, even in the darkest of times.

Whether you're facing your own personal problem or just feel stuck in a rut, this book offers a powerful reminder that with courage comes success.

As we face the challenges that life throws at us, we can all take a page out of the book's message and be inspired to keep trying, to keep creating, and to keep pushing forward.

The power lies within us all.

All we have to do is believe in ourselves and take the leap of faith.

Who knows what awaits on the other side?

All it takes is a little courage and determination.

So, grab your copy, take its message to heart, and face your biggest challenges head-on; you never know what amazing things you can accomplish when you trust in yourself and take risks!

Happy problem solving!

What Do You Do With a Problem?

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