In shadows where whispers softly creep
Lies a poison that runs deep
Words that flutter, seemingly light
Yet cast shadows in the night
Gossip, they say, is just harmless talk
But it leaves scars where it walks
A web of tales spun with ease
Yet it brings no one peace
Why do we cling to this toxic vine
When it sours the sweetest wine?
A fleeting thrill, a moment's gain
Yet it leaves behind a stain
The allure of secrets, the thrill of the tale
But the heart of the story is frail
For in the end, what do we gain
From spreading whispers that cause pain?
Exclusive circles, hushed tones
Yet each word cuts to the bone
A cycle of chatter, a never-ending loop
That binds us all in a tangled group
Why not choose words that heal
Instead of those that steal
The joy, the trust, the light
That makes our spirits take flight
In the garden of words, let kindness bloom
Let compassion fill the room
For gossip is a fleeting breeze
That leaves us cold and ill at ease
Let us rise above the fray
And choose a brighter way
To speak with love, to lift, to mend
And let the whispers in the wind end

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